New York Attorney General Letitia James Trying to Shut Down Every Pro-Life Pregnancy Center

State   |   Rich Ronald   |   Apr 26, 2024   |   10:52AM   |   Washington, DC

On April 22, 2024, New York Attorney General Letitia James began a carbon-copy notice of litigation against Christian pro-life pregnancy centers. Ten pro-life pregnancy centers have been served so far for alleged “misleading statements or omissions in the advertising of the Abortion Pill Reversal (“APR”) protocol.”

Similar allegations were filed against pro-life groups by abortion advocate and Attorney General Rob Bonta of California in the Fall of 2023. The powerhouse public interest law firm, Thomas More Society based in Chicago, is representing pro-life defendants in both cases, pro bono. The pregnancy centers were given five days to respond before the massive legal hammer of the New York Attorney General’s office drops.

This is only the most recent move by pro-abortion political extremists in a two-year, multi-layered, blue-state, pattern of attack against pro-life pregnancy centers—similar to Marxist-style allegations of misinformation leveled by Jane’s Revenge terrorist group against pro-lifers.

The attacks on pregnancy centers began on June 7, 2022, with the firebombing of CompassCare’s medical office in Buffalo, injuring two firefighters. Firebombing of pro-life groups is now deemed domestic terror by the DOJ.

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One week after the firebombing, NY Governor Kathy Hochul weaponized legislation by signing a bill to investigate the victims, alleging misinformation while referring to pro-life people as Neanderthals. Shortly after, New York Attorney General Letitia James conspired with big tech like Google to censure pro-life pregnancy centers, keeping women from finding them on map features. James applauded Google’s illegal compliance in August 2022. The timeline of attacks including vilification of pro-life pregnancy centers through negative PR and activist litigation can be found on CompassCare’s webpage.

“First of all,” asserts Rev. Jim Harden, CEO of CompassCare, “according to the 1st Amendment of the Constitution, pro-abortion government agents don’t get to decide what is true or false. But more importantly, if politicians like Letitia James get their way and hamstring pro-life groups and doctors, New York will be engaging in forced abortion. Women who start the chemical abortion process often change their mind after taking the first dose. In Letitia’s ideal world, if a woman starts an abortion the government will force her to go through with the abortion or travel out-of-state to save her baby.”

Rev. Harden continues, “But then, it has never really been about choice, or women, or rights. Letitia James and other politicians that get elected on abortion industry money are not interested in healthcare but rather a fascist, billion-dollar criminal abortion empire committing serial medical malpractice and fraud.”

Recent studies show that 1 in 17 women who start the chemical abortion process wind up in the ER with sepsis, hemorrhaging, or undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy. Meanwhile, 60% of those ER visits are miscoded as a miscarriage. Further, chemical abortion is fraudulently touted as ‘safer than Tylenol.’ Additionally, the shipment of these drugs across U.S. borders and state lines is a violation of Federal law carrying a $250,000 fine and jail time per instance. At over 60% of all abortions in the U.S., enforcement would incur a minimum of $2.4T in fines and lifetimes of jail time. Rev. Harden also notes, “It is also worth mentioning that the chemical abortion drug Mifepristone is in violation of the 3rd Provision of the Nuremberg Code as proper testing protocols were not followed.”

“You know,” quipped Rev. Harden, “being sued by New York State for ‘misinformation’ oddly gives us the platform to educate the nation concerning the stubborn facts abortion industry puppets, like AG James, seek to hide; abortion is attended with a 44% increased risk of breast cancer, a 52% increased risk of future preterm deliveries, and a 5-fold increased risk of suicide. If it takes being sued by Letitia James to save women and babies from being used and victimized by a mercenary abortion industry, come and get us!”

Interestingly, a year ago in January, CompassCare CEO, Rev. Jim Harden, predicted these types of politically motivated attacks ahead of the 2024 Presidential election saying, “Based on the political power struggle currently happening in the aftermath of Roe’s reversal and the lead up to the 2024 Presidential election…I predict…that the pro-abortion empire and those politicians and big corporations that protect it will increase attacks against pro-life people and organizations.”

And so they have.